Journalists are dying to report the news


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Nearly 100 journalists were killed in 2023, with Gaza the most dangerous location:

Biden paid for the murder of 14,000 children — like these babies


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I can’t vote for a mass murderer. And neither will the thousands of student protesters.

Internet access subsidy ends for 26 million US households


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The U.S. federal government has plenty of taxpayer dollars to give billions to wealthy Israel to continue its genocidal attacks in Gaza, but funding for 26 million American homes’ internet access ends today:

It’s all about priorities. And when elections arrive in November, Americans should remember this day.

Journalists struggle to report about the horrors they witness in Gaza war


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What journalists see in Gaza is so shocking and sad that it is difficult for them to  maintain professional composure without breaking down in grief:

US finds Israel broke human rights laws prior to Hamas attacks Oct. 7


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Israeli military and police units committed fatal human rights abuses against Palestinians before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks:

The worst of the Israeli military units, the U.S. investigation found, is now in Gaza.

Israel has been abusing and murdering Palestinians for decades in Gaza and the West Bank. Clearly, Hamas did not start the war.

Rather than apologizing and promising to put a stop to the human rights abuses, Israel’s fascist prime minister responding angrily and dismissed the report.

The U.S. must cut off all funding for Israel immediately, as required by law. Further, the International Criminal Court must issue arrest warrants for Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu:

Chris Hedges delivers stirring sermon at Princeton encampment for Gaza


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Former journalist Chris Hedges gave a powerful message today to the righteous student protesters at Princeton University:

Hedges told the students that the good is found where peace-loving people stand up to power, and he noted that such defiance comes with a cost. But, he said that only by speaking the truth can justice prevail.

“To resist radical evil, as you are doing, is to endure a life that by the standards of the wider society is a failure,” he told the students. “It is to defy injustice at the cost of your career, your reputation, your financial solvency and at times your life. It is to be a lifelong heretic.”

But despite this harm that is inflicted upon student protesters, Hedges said, “we must come to a place where it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong.” In other words, it is better to suffer punishment than to deliver it. Thus, the students who are harmed by their university’s administrators and police are morally in the right while their oppressors are on the wrong side of history. And it is through this sacrifice by the students that the oppressors are exposed as fearful of the truth being expressed.

The student protests are the embodiment of the purpose of universities: the discovery and expression of the truth. The university administrators are afraid of the protesters because they are afraid of the truth.

None of the administrators who bullied and censored the students should retain their positions after the semester ends. But the students will have the lifelong satisfaction of knowing that at this extremely important moment in history they upheld what they were taught by their professors: to always speak the truth and to stand up for what is right.

Students report news about university protests


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Students have been doing a stellar job in reporting at their universities and colleges about protests against Israel’s genocidal attacks in Gaza:

Here are links to some of the student newspapers that are reporting about the protests at their colleges and universities against genocide:

Students face suspensions, evictions, arrest for protesting against genocide


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Instead of providing encouragement to college students for having the moral courage to publicly oppose Israel’s mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, university administrators in the U.S. are suspending, evicting and arresting them:

Videos clearly show that police are using tasers and zip ties and violently throwing peaceful protesters, including professors, onto sidewalks. When professors rush to plead for mercy for their students, police aggressively apply headlocks and pin their arms behind their backs. Police at Emory University fired pepper balls and rubber bullets — which can cause permanent blindness — at students and professors. This kind of police brutality is unwarranted and university presidents must be held responsible for requesting it at their campuses.

The administrators are behaving shamefully, while the students are demonstrating their moral convictions. And for that, the administrators still have their well-paying jobs while the students are banned from campus.

One takeaway should be that students should choose other universities in the years to come. Institutions that teach about the virtues of social justice and civil disobedience while punishing students who participate in those activities should be shunned.

But for now, professors should hold votes of no confidence in their oppressive university presidents to force them out of office. Board trustees who fail to fire such university presidents should be voted out of office. Professors are also protecting students by blocking police and by standing close to officers and demanding they stop their brutality.

The over-the-top mistreatment of peaceful student and faculty protesters shocks the moral conscience and it must stop immediately. And the justification for the aggressive police behavior is bogus.

The loud and clear message that the mistreatment of peaceful student and faculty protesters is sending is that not only will the U.S. continue to support genocide in Gaza, but also that anyone who protests against the mass murder of innocent children will be beaten and arrested. Once again, history repeats itself and it is a sad time to be a U.S. citizen.

The protests have spread to at least 40 universities across the U.S. Administrators at private universities are treating students very differently than what is happening at public institutions.

Universities and colleges are supposed to be places where free speech is not only encouraged but protected as a fundamental and cherished right. “Universities have an obligation at large to engage in this conversation. … They are supposed to be that shining place, (where) free expression is the default,” said Brian Levin, a professor emeritus at Cal State San Bernardino and founder of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism.

Police are also violently attacking journalists, which sends the message that they want to brutalize protesters without the scrutiny of the press exposing what they are doing.

Viewpoints students publish stories about my emeritus rank, retirement


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Allan Lovelace, right, with journalism students at the Society of Professional Journalists awards in 2004.

Viewpoints students wrote two nice stories about my receiving emeritus rank last week and my retirement in 2020 from teaching after 24 years at Riverside City College:

Wow! I am so honored to receive such positive coverage in the award-winning newspaper.

I decided to pursue a career in teaching after writing stories for my student newspaper about a tyrannical chancellor’s misdeeds in the 1980s. I had freedom of the press to write those stories, and so I wanted to give back and protect that same freedom for students and to impress upon them the duty to serve the public with a newspaper that makes a difference.

Viewpoints students went on to media positions including with the White House, Getty Images, AP, The Press-Enterprise and many other news media. Others went on to teaching positions, politics and various other careers. Many said that Viewpoints provided opportunities to develop their leadership, confidence and communication skills. Others said that serving with Viewpoints made them feel motivated to go to the college every day where they could interact with other students in the newsroom and do something meaningful. I felt that way, too, and it was a privilege for me to work with students who were so idealistic and full of enthusiasm.

All things must pass, but life goes on.

I had a lot of help along the way in my 24 years at RCC, including from current associate faculty member extraordinaire Matt Schoenmann. I know that he will do a very good job and carry on in helping the students to develop their journalism skills while protecting their freedom of the press.

Trashy tabloid worked closely with Trump to promote election campaign


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The sleazy National Enquirer secretly schemed to kill stories critical of Trump while bashing his rivals, publishing fake stories and cheerleading for his election bid in 2016:

Live cam: USC students protest against Gaza genocide


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USC students are moving to another location as they protest against Israel’s genocidal attacks in Gaza. They are demanding their university divest from companies that support genocide in Gaza.

Chants of “The people, united, will never be defeated!”

Police in full riot gear with clubs have formed a line at one university. Live cams at Columbia University, the University of Texas and the University of Michigan:

Celebrities face blacklisting for having a moral conscience


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Don’t want thousands of innocent children in Gaza to be blown to bits or starved to death? And you care enough to speak out against this morally indefensible mass murder? Well, that may cost you your high profile job:

Cheerleaders for death or silent cowards may work in the entertainment industry now. Everyone else will find their work prospects cut off or at least challenging. Students are also facing suspensions, arrests and blacklisting for having a moral conscience and the courage to speak out.

If you are not an apologist for genocide or someone who is too afraid to speak out, you may find it difficult to work in entertainment. That has been the sad arrangement for a while now, but it really picked up steam in October, and that is where it remains.

By controlling the narrative, loyal supporters of Israel seek to win sympathy for the country’s genocidal attacks in Gaza. They know they can’t convince everyone that their mass murder of Palestinians is morally defensible, but by influencing enough people and bullying the rest they can murder millions and get away with it, or at least that is what they think.

One strategy in this effort is for any criticism of Israel to be immediately and unfairly branded as antisemitism.

And so for college students and a few celebrities to have the courage to speak out against genocide in this stifling climate of pro-Israel propaganda and intimidation is especially impressive and encouraging.

Protests against genocide spread across US campuses


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In a powerful demonstration of solidarity against Israel’s genocidal attacks in Gaza, students at colleges and universities across the U.S. are protesting and demanding divestment:

Many faculty members walked out in solidarity with the college students.

Wild areas fall silent as Earth dies


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The sound of hundreds of joyous song birds used to be so loud as dawn approached in the Indian Peaks Wilderness in Colorado in the 1980s that it was almost deafening.

Now, many wilderness areas are silent. The climate crisis, pollution and habitat loss have taken their toll in wiping out wildlife.

Guardian readers shared their reactions to finding an absence of birds in their neighborhoods.

When I hiked in the San Juan National Forest in Colorado for several weeks in the 2000s, I was astonished to see only one wild animal, a marmot foraging in a trash can. Where were the deer, elk, moose, bears, mountain lions, foxes, squirrels, chipmunks, mink, pikas, porcupines and birds that I had seen on dozens of hikes in the 1980s and 1990s in Colorado? The only signs of life were some grasses and firs and spruce trees among many thousands of dead lodgepole pines and aspens. The silence was scary.

When I hiked in Glacier National Park in Montana twice in the 2000s, I saw suffering mountain goats panting in the heat as they stretched out on snow banks.

Wildlife that have not died out already are desperately struggling to survive as the climate crisis intensifies and their habitat is destroyed.

Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” from 1962 has arrived in frightening ways in 2024. We failed to heed her warnings, and now wild animals are doomed.

Trump seethes in boiling rage over press coverage of trial


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Oh, poor baby Trump. Did you have a boo-boo when you heard what journalists reported about you?

The courtroom sketch artists are having fun drawing Trump falling asleep and looking insane:

The trial is interrupting Sleepy Don’s nap time and he can’t stay awake.

Biden protects nearly half of petroleum reserve from drilling


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And Biden has formally placed conservation on equal footing with mining and livestock grazing:

Biden’s conservation moves follow in the path of other presidents seeking reelection. George H.W. Bush placed a moratorium on oil drilling off the Atlantic coast after I was the first journalist to report about plans to drill off the Virginia-Maryland coast and tourism officials expressed strong opposition.

Several Alaska Native tribes, including the Gwich’in, oppose oil drilling:

College students say ‘No!’ to Gaza genocide


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Columbia University and Barnard College students protesting against extremely brutal genocide and apartheid in Gaza were met with suspensions, evictions and arrests today for peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights:

This over-the-top response by the university and police is an outrageous violation of the students’ First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and express their opinions. Indeed, the police said the students were peaceful.

One of the students is the daughter of a U.S. Congress member.

Also suffering from a repressive administrative response is a USC valedictorian, whose scheduled speech at the university was canceled because she is a first-generation South Asian American Muslim with a minor in resistance to genocide.

As pointed out in this Los Angeles Times’ editorial, barring a student from speaking because of a complaint sends the message that all anyone needs to do to block content that differs from their own is to object loudly enough. That response sets a dangerous precedent. But is that really what happened?

It appears not. Instead, the obvious message is that Muslim students must be silent, especially when what they have to say needs to be heard.

It is ironic in the worst possible way that at a time when everyone desperately needs to hear from voices in opposition to genocide, the University of Southern California’s administration shamefully decided to censor her address to the university. The administrator deserves an award for coward of the year and another for dunce of the year, as does the administrator at Columbia University in New York.

Senate considers reauthorizing warrantless mass surveillance


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The U.S. Senate is weighing approval of a House bill that would continue Orwellian warrantless mass spying on millions of Americans who are not suspected of any wrongdoing:

In a bizarre twist, Trump at one point opposed the legislation while Biden supports it. Then, as he often does, Trump flip flopped and told legislators to vote however they want.

Google blocks search access to newspapers


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The biggest driver of traffic for online newspapers has removed them from search results in California:

The move, which affects some people in California, is in response to proposed legislation that would require Google and other social media to pay for linking to online newspapers. Google now profits from the links and does not pay for the benefit. Newspapers watch helplessly as Google profits while they get nothing.

The legislation proposes to remedy the imbalance and steer to newspapers a share of the billions of dollars that Google gets. The problem is that newspapers could not exist without the online traffic that Google drives to them. And Google knows this, and so it plays hardball.

Newspapers will either cave to Google’s demands or they will be forced to shut down. Newspapers must allow Google to continue sucking their blood or it will take its ball and go home. Game over. But if they play along and give Google what it wants, they will die a slower death.

Either way, newspapers will die, as many already have. And without newspapers, our representative democracy will die. Thanks a lot, Google. You will make billions while democracy dies.

‘We’re buying the bullets and the gun for the gunman who’s going to the school and killing the children’ in Gaza


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When someone arms and pays another person to commit murder, we hold both parties responsible for the killing.

And that is what we must do with President Biden. He chose to arm and pay genocidal Israel to murder thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza, and he must be held fully responsible.

Biden should be charged and convicted as a war criminal, rejected as a pariah, impeached and/or voted out of office, and spend the rest of his elderly years in prison in disgrace.

Surgeons who have seen the horrors of wars and natural disasters across the world for decades said they have never seen suffering like what they witnessed in Gaza. And all of it paid for by the U.S.:

Searchable database reveals campaign donations, legislation


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Here is a new AI-powered searchable database of California legislators’ campaign donations and legislation:

There is an interesting saying: “The best democracy money can buy.” Calmatters’ Digital Democracy database proves that point.

I searched state legislator Jose Medina. He is a former Riverside Community College District trustee. It listed his major donors and the legislation he has sponsored. He is mainstream, and so only a few surprises turned up. But I imagine that there would be some real eye openers among sleazy Republican legislators and some fat cat Democrats.

I remember a story in the Los Angeles Times and other news media about the California Teachers Association meeting with Gray Davis in his office when he was governor to ask for his support for some legislation.  He told the CTA leaders, “I’m going to need a million dollars” for his reelection campaign.

This database will be enormously valuable for journalists, who should use it every time they prepare for an interview with a state senator or representative. It gives power to journalists so that they know who owns the legislators.

It literally takes just a few seconds to use and it is free.

Journalists should not use TikTok


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Yes, TikTok is very popular. Yes, your friends use it. No, you should not use it.

Why? Well, there is this problem: TikTok spied on journalists to try to uncover the identities of their anonymous sources. And that is a deal killer for journalists.

Biden proposes more student debt relief


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Thirty million college student borrowers would save billions of dollars with Biden’s loan reduction program:

Republicans will oppose the plan because they think only rich kids should get to go to college.

World demands end to weapons for Israel


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It is long overdue, but the world is now demanding an end to supplying genocidal Israel with weapons:

Google’s so-called ‘incognito’ mode is anything but


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Google has agreed to delete billions of data records it collected from users of its snooping “Incognito” mode:

If you want online privacy, use a good VPN such as Proton and a better browser than Google’s data-collection hog Chrome. A private search engine such as can be helpful. Then learn about how to set privacy controls. And never use Google’s Chrome unless it is necessary.

Billions of gullible people worldwide mistakenly thought they were invisible online because they were using Chrome’s incognito mode, when in fact Google was vacuuming the browsing data, storing it and then profiting from what it learned about users.

Now the truth is out: Google was harvesting users’ data all along.

Biden finally gets around to telling Israel support has strings


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After more than 33,000 deaths in Gaza, Biden has said that continued U.S. support for Israel will require improvements in the treatment of Palestinians:

Biden called for an immediate ceasefire and more humanitarian support for Gaza.

While Biden’s demands are welcome news, they come too late for the thousands of women and children who were slaughtered in Gaza by Israel in the past six months.

What is essential now will be whether Biden backs up his strong words with concrete actions. The world is watching to see if this new approach will be carried out quickly with significant improvements. If Biden fails to successfully follow through, his bid for reelection may be finished.

Update: Democrats are calling for cutting off weapons for Israel.

Report: Israel intentionally killed food volunteers in Gaza


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Israel’s immorality in Gaza reached a new low in its depravity when its military murdered seven foreign aid volunteers with targeted attacks:

World Central Kitchen had coordinated its movements for the volunteers with Israel’s military specifically to prevent these kinds of attacks. Israel killed them anyway.

Reaction to the intentional attacks:

World Central Kitchen has suspended operations in Gaza, which is what Israel wanted when it planned the attacks. Starvation is Israel’s depraved goal in Gaza.

In other news, doctors in Gaza said that Israeli snipers are targeting children with head shots. Five Palestinian children were shot in the head and died. With each day, genocidal Israel sinks deeper into hell and reaches a new low with its monstrous actions.

The heartbreaking story of one young Palestinian killed by Israel:

Update: The killings of the seven humanitarian volunteers were the latest in a pattern of intentional and reckless attacks by Israel’s military. A total of 224 aid workers have been killed in Gaza.

Rich countries turn Chile into vast dump for discarded clothing


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Thousands of tons of barely worn clothing from the U.S. and Europe are shipped to giant garbage dumps in Chile each year:

The clothes are discarded by vain, fashion-obsessed slobs after just one year and end up in massive dumps that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Disgusting and inexcusable.

I wear my clothes for many years and even decades. I don’t give a damn about fashion.

Israel destroys largest hospital in Gaza


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More than 400 people, including doctors, were murdered by genocidal Israel:

Doctors have accused Israeli snipers of intentionally shooting Palestinian children:

After Israel’s military murdered foreign aid workers as they tried to deliver food to starving Palestinians, charities suspended operations in Gaza. Soon, as per Israel’s plan, there will nothing left in Gaza but the dead and dying.

Israel is now a fascist, neo-Nazi apartheid state of the most despicable kind, and it has therefore lost any shred of legitimacy or standing that it may have had (if it ever had any).

US government issues new clean air rules for trucks


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A switch to more electric heavy trucks will help reduce deadly air pollution and moderate climate change:

Some environmental groups said the new rules do not go far enough to reduce truck emissions.