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Migratory birds already have enough to deal with on their long annual journeys than can span thousands of miles. But now they have to find ways to survive as their habitats are destroyed by people:


The bad news is that some birds are facing extinction and overall bird populations are plummeting.

The good news is that the populations of a few bird species are rebounding because of efforts to restore and protect their habitats.

I saved three orphaned baby wild birds when I was 11 years old. I jumped into a river and retrieved their nest that another boy had knocked down. I made a “nest” for them in a box and fed them insects for several weeks. When they were fully grown and testing their wings, I released them into the wild.

I have saved many wild and lost animals. And my sister would give first aid to many injured wild animals — deer and geese and others — that would somehow show up on her front porch.

If people would care more about other species, the world would be a much better place. You don’t have to save animals by helping them directly, but you can let your elected officials know that you do not want wild areas to be burned to create grazing areas for cattle or paved over for parking lots or drained for developments or bulldozed for warehouses.